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Activity Indicator - Spinner

During network requests, a good User Experience practice is to display a spinner for the user to know that the application is not stuck. One way to do that is to start an activity indicator when the request starts and stop/hide it when the call is completed.

Auto Show Progress Spinner

Kodika offers an automated way that shows and hides an activity indicator/spinner during the network request.
To enable/disable, you will need to change the Auto show Progress Spinner during loading switch in the Datasource settings.
Default value: ON

Advanced Mode

If you want to manually display a spinner or handle the UI changes during a Datasource request, you will need to:

  • Show spinner/block user interaction when the Datasource request starts.
  • Hide spinner/unblock user interaction when the Datasource request finishes, either with success or error.

Start of request

There is no event when a Datasource request starts. Still, you can manually handle it depending on how the Datasource will start:

Finish of request

There is no event when a Datasource request finishes. Still, you can bind a Function to a response parameter of the Datasource response. You will add all the Code Blocks for the UI Changes in this binded Function.
Note: You will need to handle all the request responses(success and error).