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API Request

Each API can have multiple API Requests, one for each API endpoint.


You can provide a name to each API Request to manage it in Kodika.
Note: This name is not visible to your users.

HTTP Methods

You can use one of the provided HTTP Methods.

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT


This is the path of the request that will be automatically appended at the end of the Base Server URL to create the final URL.
Note: Base Server URL is set during the creation of the API.


Base Server Url Path Final Url / /users/{id} /long/path

Timeout interval

You can change the seconds that the application will wait for the server to respond before executing a timeout response and cancel the request.


This is a non-visible to users field if you need to keep notes or a description for the request.

Request Parameters

These are the parameters that will be sent to the server when the request is executed.

Path Request Parameter

Path parameters are placed in the Path Url section and are replaced with the value of the Parameter before the start of the request.
You can define the position of the parameter in the Path by inserting the parameter name in-between { and }.
For example, to use the user id value, the path could be /users/{user_id}.
Note: Only Text Data Type is permitted for path parameters. You can use Numbers, but you will need to convert them to text.

Query Request Parameter

Query parameters are appended at the end of the Path by using the default format of a Query. Parameter name and value will also be encoded.
Note: Only Text Data Type is permitted for query parameters. You can use Numbers, but you will need to convert them to text.

Body Request Parameter

Requests with any HTTP Method except GET, can include also a JSON body. Body parameters will be converted to JSON and sent with the request.

Header Request Parameter

Header parameters can be added to any request. They will be sent as HTTP Headers.
Tip: One of the most common Header parameters is the Authorization. You can find more here or set your own.
Note: Only Text Data Type is permitted for header parameters. You can use Numbers, but you will need to convert them to text.