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Auto start when Screen First Loads

You can enable the Auto start when Screen First Loads option, so the Datasource will start automatically during the load of the Screen.
You can change this value during the creation or edit of your Datasource, using the Auto start when Screen First Loads switch in the Datasource settings.


  • You can use this option in combination with other ways to start a Datasource. For example, you can have a List of Users Datasource to Auto start when screen First Loads and also have an On Click Event Action on a button that starts the same Datasource again when need to refresh the Users.
  • Use this option when you need to auto fetch the data that needed to be displayed, and not for cases like Register user where you should have a button that starts the Datasource request after user have filled all the Text Fields.
  • If you don’t enable the auto start, you need to implement one of the other ways to start a Datasource request.
  • Enabling this option is similar to adding an Start a datasource request Event Action in the When Screen First Loads Event of a Screen.